- United States
- Md.
- Letter
I am furious that we, the United States, are still sending money and arms to Israel. While I applaud Senator Van Hollen’s efforts to get the Biden administration to look into the conduct of the Israeli military and possibly withhold funding, he and all of my representatives still signed a bill to send more aid to Israel.
President Biden‘s hollow threat to stop aid alongside his indignation at the ICC doing its job to prosecute work crimes, like the siege of Gaza, by Israel, has rankled me beyond all measure. I want very much to support Biden in the election. I understand the risks of a second Trump term.
However, the inaction of all the Democratic lawmakers who represent me in Maryland and of the actions of the Biden administration to keep arming Israel so they can seemingly kill every resident and destroy every structure in Gaza has brought me to a crisis.
Open your eyes and stop the destruction. Israel’s current government seem intent on abandoning the two state solution and taking over Gaza and probably the West Bank. It’s hard to deny accusations of imperialism and genocide when you see this type of action by Israel.
Do we stand for democracy or imperialism? Do we stand for peoples to govern themselves, a right the Palestinians have been denied for 75 years, or do we stand for “might makes right” and hiding behind so-called security as a defense to allow children to be forced from their homes, their schools and starve and be murdered?