  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Support SSI reforms for improved economic security

To: Sen. Vance, Rep. Sykes, Sen. Brown

From: A verified voter in Akron, OH

October 1

The Supplemental Security Income Restoration Act of 2024 aims to update and improve the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, which provides financial assistance to low-income individuals who are elderly, blind, or disabled. The proposed changes include increasing benefit amounts to match annual poverty guidelines, eliminating the marriage penalty, raising resource limits, excluding retirement accounts from countable resources, and removing penalties for disposing of resources for less than fair market value. This legislation is crucial for ensuring that SSI beneficiaries can maintain a basic standard of living and meet their essential needs. By updating the income and resource limits, the bill recognizes the rising costs of living and prevents individuals from being unfairly disqualified from receiving critical support. Additionally, removing penalties for married couples helps promote financial stability and eliminates disincentives for marriage within this vulnerable population. I urge you to support the passage of H.R. 7138, as it represents a significant step towards strengthening the social safety net and promoting economic security for those facing financial hardship due to age, disability, or blindness. This compassionate reform aligns with our nation's values of supporting the most vulnerable members of society and ensuring access to a dignified quality of life.

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