  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Protect the SAVE Plan

To: Sen. Sinema, Rep. Grijalva, Sen. Kelly

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

July 23

I am writing to express my frustration with the Republican attacks on student loan repayments in the courts. My husband and I both work in education and are enrolled in the SAVE plan as we work towards Public Service Loan Forgiveness. The recent attacks on the SAVE plan have placed us in a state of confusion and financial uncertainty. Please codify SAVE as one of the IDR plans. It has been so helpful to this family of four. Please also work to make sure that this current period of forbearance counts towards our PSLF progress. We can't afford to have our forgiveness delayed by actions that are beyond our control. I look forward to hearing how my Democratic officials are working to protect us from the harm caused by the Republican attacks on student loan plans.

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