  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Repeal Section 174 of the tax code to preserve American technical leadership!!!

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Garamendi

From: A constituent in Pinole, CA

September 11

Section 174 of the tax code might as well be called the kill American technical leadership section because it is currently destroying American competitiv eness in the tech market. Companies have to pay 15 years of taxes for foreign software engineers!! Five years for American software engineers! This is madness - repeal this section immediately. We have the best software engineers in the world. It makes the US one of the better tech centers around the globe. Every engineer in the world wants to come here because we have such a strong tech culture. This discrimination is hurting our competitiveness. It's discouraging new entrepreneurs into the software engineering industry. It's favoring large companies over small companies. The tax code should not be abused to entrench monopolies. Repeal this immediately.

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