  1. United States
  2. Neb.
  3. Letter

School shootings need to STOP

To: Rep. Flood, Sen. Fischer, Sen. Ricketts

From: A verified voter in Lincoln, NE

December 18

School shootings have affected the US for DECADES now. What are you doing to solve this problem? 488 mass shootings (four or more victims) have occured THIS YEAR ALONE. According to Wikipedia, there have been at least 54 gun-related incidents at schools this year (including ones where no one was hurt); meanwhile, USA Today says there have been 971! It's crazy how this is such a common occurrence that we can't even track it adequately. 13 students have died from school shootings this year. It's a good thing I don't have kids of my own, because if I did, I'd be TERRIFIED to send them to school. Schools should be one of the safest places for children to be, but they are not. Shootings leave so many victims - some dead, some injured, some with lifelong mental problems like PTSD. Other countries don't have this problem because they have greater gun restrictions. And it's not even just a school problem. Each day 12 children die from gun violence in America. Another 32 are shot and injured. Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens. Here is what I want to see: 1. Support S.173, Ethan's Law, which establishes statutory requirements for firearms on residential premises to be safely stored if a minor is likely to gain access without permission or if a resident is ineligible to possess a firearm. 2. Require anyone buying a gun to take a gun safety class first. Currently, only 9 states require this. 3. Do whatever else you can to promote gun safety. I bet if one of your own children was affected, you'd care more about this issue. Do what's right to protect ALL children, not just your own.

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