  1. United States
  2. R.I.
  3. Letter

Vote No on HR 9495 and Stop Terror-Financing

To: Sen. Reed, Rep. Magaziner, Sen. Whitehouse

From: A verified voter in Providence, RI

November 11, 2024

I am a constituent and a proud supporter of your work from zip code 02908. I am writing to ask you to oppose the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, also known as H.R. 9495, or any similar bill that should arise from the Senate. This bill is designed to allow the President — read: the monster known as Trump — to punish any group that dares to advocate against him, dressed up in patriotism to make it hard to vote against. Please do not provide such horrible power to any member of the government under any President. If the part about tax relief to hostages were presented as its own bill I would absolutely support it. Thank you.

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