  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Make Harris President

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A constituent in Spokane, WA

July 19

If President Biden resigns presidency, and VP Harris, becomes president, she will still hold the incumbency, get all the money and the delegates and stop there being a fight over who becomes the nominee. This is the plan B, that Prof Allan Lichtman, the man who correctly predicted the last TEN elections using his 13 Keys to the Whitehouse method. Please look for his most recent interviews. According to his keys, based on history and other determinants, this scenario provides the best path to victory. With the odds of a loss for Biden are greater. Right now Biden holds 6 keys. If Biden only bows out of the race and you bypass Harris, then we lose two more keys leaving only four more to fall. Please check out Lichtman. I think people who are asking Biden to consider stepping down should understand Plan B. It is the best plan I believe if people who know the president say he should step down. I am frightened about the prospects of a Trump presidency. I have heard very well educated professional young people say they are considering moving countries if Trump wins. How sad! One mentioned that the greatest cause of death for US children is being shot and killed as just one example of the Republican legacy, also climate change denial was another. They all knew about Project 2025 too! I am glad to see it being in the forefront. P25 is bad If Trump wins. God help us.

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