  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Urgent: Implement congestion pricing in NYC for infrastructure upgrades

To: Gov. Hochul

From: A constituent in Brooklyn, NY

June 6

Congestion pricing in New York City must not be indefinitely postponed. This vital initiative aims to raise billions of dollars in revenue for urgently needed improvements to the city's dilapidated public transit infrastructure, while simultaneously reducing vehicular emissions and gridlock. The majority of commuters rely on mass transit to reach Manhattan, and further delays will only exacerbate the crumbling state of subways, buses, and commuter rails that millions depend on daily. Postponing congestion pricing is a generational mistake that will have severe ramifications for New York's economy, environment, and quality of life. The expected $15 billion in funding was earmarked for critical projects like extending the Second Avenue Subway and building new rail tunnels under the Hudson River - infrastructure expansions that cannot be realized without this financing mechanism. Furthermore, the public health impacts of unchecked vehicle pollution and congestion cannot be overstated. This proven initiative has successfully mitigated traffic in cities worldwide. New Yorkers have already waited too long for an equitable, sustainable transportation solution that prioritizes the needs of the transit-riding majority over the privileges of private vehicles. Any further delay is unacceptable and will inflict irreparable harm on the city's economic competitiveness and livability for years to come. Congestion pricing must proceed as originally planned to secure New York's future prosperity.

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