  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Your support of Israel means you've lost my vote

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Peters, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in San Diego, CA

October 3

As one of your consistuants, I would like to express my thorough disgust with your support of Israel. How dare you use our tax payer money to support genocide when all that money could help our country instead. Israel is a racist, genocidal regime (not unlike the US) and it sickens me to see you unrelentlessly support their massacres on several fronts. It's because of the Democratic partys support for Israel that I officially disown the Democratic party. Youve lost your support, respect and vote from me. You're on the wrong side of history and you should be ashsmed if yourself. You guys are just as vile as the Republicans.

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