  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

As an ordinary man, I urge you to understand the desperate plea emerging from the hearts of countless civilians who face the thunderous clouds of war and inhumanity each day, every hour. It is a plea for a ceasefire, a cry for humanity to prevail, for lives to matter again. Our world watches in silent horror as the common man in Palestine – a father, a son, a brother – becomes the collateral damage in the relentless conflict fueled by weapons shipped from our own soil. This is not a far-off affair – our tax dollars make us complicit in the destruction of lives and liberty, a situation that warrants immediate reform. The Palestinian man today, elbowed out of his home, massacred brutally on his ancestral soil, is no different from you or me. As an American, I implore you to consider our own cherished values - liberty, pursuit of happiness, justice. The very principles our founding fathers fought for, isn’t it our moral duty to uphold these values not just for us, but for humanity at large? The bombings, the displacements, the indiscriminate killings need to cease, and we are responsible to halt our contribution to this distressing stasis. Practically, this means demanding an immediate halt to American funding aiding this conflict and fostering this dismal state of affairs. Actions define us, more than words ever will. We have the power and the potential to pen a new chapter of hope, for us and for our global brothers and sisters who are bereft of it. This chapter begins with a ceasefire, with our earnest commitment to stop funding or sending arms that perpetuate violence. Remember, in the game of war, it's not nations that lose, it's humanity. Let us not be spectators to such a loss, let's be the champions of change.

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