  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Protect the right to protect against allergies, dust and disease

To: Rep. Harrison, Gov. Abbott, Sen. Birdwell, Lt. Gov. Patrick

From: A constituent in Venus, TX

June 11

Protect the right to mask The North Carolina Senate has passed a bill that would restrict people from wearing masks. This is in direct conflict with public health, protection against cold and flus, protection for immunocompromised and cancer patients like myself. It is also in direct conflict with federal law including the American Disability Act. Not only does this bill need to be stopped in North Carolina, but in every state. I do not want to see this in my state, EVER. And I will personally campaign against any politician who attempts to make a similar proposal at any level of government. This will include writing letters to the editors of local, national and international press. I cannot live without masking and I have the right to keep myself alive. The right to protect myself against all airborne diseases and allergies through mask-wearing should be safeguarded as an essential public health measure. Masks have proven effective in curbing transmission rates during viral outbreaks, reducing the risks faced by vulnerable populations. If anything the state should be providing free masks and supporting the companies that produce protective gear by subsidizing the cost of protective gear. Any attempts to restrict this basic precaution against preventable illnesses must be immediately and firmly rejected to allow disabled people and cancer patients in particular. It’s simple - Democrat or Republican, the people are organizing to stop supporting politicians who are against protective gear that prevents the spread of disease. Government should be paying for it, not attempting to curtail personal liberties or exacerbating the shrinking societal divides on this or any public health issue.

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