  1. United States
  2. Letter

Biden Should Heed Concerns About 2024 Bid, Unite Democrats

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in New York, NY

July 8

President Biden, it is concerning that you appear unwilling to seriously consider calls from within the Democratic Party for you not to seek re-election in 2024. While you emphasize listening to "average Democrats," polls show a significant portion have doubts about your ability to win against Donald Trump. Your defiant stance risks dividing the party at a critical juncture. It would be wise for you to have an open and honest dialogue with Democratic leaders, activists, and voters about their concerns. Dismissing respected voices like Congressional committee chairs is unproductive. You should carefully weigh whether your candidacy gives Democrats the best chance of retaining the White House given the high stakes involved. Ultimately, you must make a decision that serves the greater good of protecting American democracy rather than being driven solely by personal ambition. An inclusive process where all viewpoints are seriously considered would go a long way in unifying Democrats behind the strongest possible nominee, whether that is you or someone like Vice President Harris who inspires more confidence in victory.

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