Review Aid Policy Towards Israel for Peace and Justice
  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

Review Aid Policy Towards Israel for Peace and Justice

To: Sen. Rosen, Sen. Cortez Masto, Rep. Amodei

From: A constituent in Reno, NV

April 19

The recent assertion by the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, following talks with the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, underscores Israel's autonomy in decision-making. This raises concerns about the continued provision of aid to Israel, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict with Palestine. It is crucial to reassess this aid, considering the potential implications for the region's stability and the disregard for international consensus. The request here is to initiate a comprehensive review of the aid policy towards Israel, with a focus on ensuring that our resources do not contribute to exacerbating the conflict. This is not about severing ties, but about promoting peace and justice in a region that has long suffered from strife.

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