  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Hochul

From: A verified voter in Jackson Heights, NY

December 19

The following critical bills, passed by the Senate and Assembly during the Spring, are still waiting for your signature! Climate Superfund Act: S2129B/A3351B makes fossil fuel companies pay for the impacts of their pollution by funding climate resilient infrastructure and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 Fracking Ban: S8357/A8866 will protect New Yorkers from the latest fracking threat involving carbon dioxide, which adds the potential for community asphyxiation from pipeline leaks to all the dangers of other fracking methods! Tropical Rainforest Economic & Environmental Sustainability (TREES) Act: S8898/A9711 prevents state agencies from purchasing goods linked to tropical deforestation. This bill not only supports global environmental efforts but also boosts our local economy by giving a competitive edge to NY's small and medium-sized businesses, including Minority- and/or Women-Owned Business Enterprises, through a 10% bidding preference. Please sign them now!

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