  1. United States
  2. Letter

America is a failed experiment

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Austin, TX

September 1

It is clear now that Israel has invaded and is killing and terrorizing people in the West Bank, that you have no intention of ending this genocide, and in fact you have been affording them cover to expand it. My status as a lifelong Democrat will end this election cycle as I will be voting for someone else. The vast majority of Democrats want an end to the funding and rubber stamping of this genocide. You ignore us. And you will be the reason that a maniacal felon ascends to the office again to terrorize us all. America is a failed experiment. Our economic system spreads suffering to its own citizens and our military spreads suffering to millions of brown and black people across the world as we steal their resources. The American Dream is a lie, we are burdened with debt only to barely survive. Student loan debt will never be paid back because the tech industry disruption has rendered me (a masters educated professional) a contract gig worker. My expected salary is about 1/6 what it was anticipated to be when I entered graduate school. People like me have to hold 3-4 part time 1099 jobs in order to squeak by, and there is nothing left to pay student loans. I am filled with so much rage at this system. At the lives being destroyed here and abroad, at the corporate control of everything that happens in this country. The people of America are fundamentally good people, but when you create artificial scarcity and job precarity, you pit people against each other. There are no public places anymore where people get together just to BE. Everything is commodified, everything has to be turned into a side hustle. This country is sick to its core. Bye

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