  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Please urge Biden to step aside so we can beat Trump.

To: Gov. Hochul

From: A constituent in Ridgewood, NY

July 3

Trump and the current GOP are a threat to our democracy, as is the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity made possible by his appointees. I’m sure you share my deep conviction that we need the strongest candidate possible to beat Donald Trump and to protect our democracy. I no longer believe that’s Joe Biden, and I’m furious with the DNC for attempting to undermine what we can see with our own eyes about the president’s variable condition and notable decline. I voted for Biden with conviction in 2020. If the DNC fails to protect our country by finding a stronger candidate, I’ll vote for him again this November—this time with fear for my baby son who’s due in October, and the country he’ll inherit. I have deep appreciation for Biden’s moral core and for his progressive policies, particularly on climate change and on envisioning the social safety net as a crucial aspect of our country’s infrastructure. I can even appreciate the thorny tightrope he walks with Netanyahu, though I disagree with what I experience as his publicly permissive stance toward the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The threat Donald Trump poses combined with Biden’s variable presentation leaves me scared for our country. And frankly, I’m furious with the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign for rallying behind a candidate who clearly can no longer serve the best interests of our country, through no moral or political failure, but simply sad decline. We deserve the truth and decisions made from a place of morality, integrity, and honesty, not some gaslighting party-line doublespeak that I more often associate with the GOP. I urge you to act in the best interest of our country by pushing for the strongest candidate to beat Trump, no matter what brave and difficult conversations and reckoning that requires. Our democracy depends on it, and Biden’s legacy rests on it.

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