- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
Today, I write with a profound sense of urgency, a plea born from the depths of my heart - permeating the borders of nations, races, and religions, for what is at stake here is our shared humanity. The distressing and violent situation unraveling in the land often regarded as holy, shared by Israelis and Palestinians, is shattering millions of innocent lives. In this seemingly perennial conflict, it is the civilians, the children, the women, the ordinary men like you and me, who are paying the ultimate price, their lives. This futile lethality is fueled, shockingly and regretfully, by our tax dollars, by the shipments of American arms and funding that reach Israel, privy to shield it in its engagements against Palestinians. We stand at the cusp of the 21st century bearing witness to horrific crimes against humanity - wanton destruction, indiscriminate bombing of residential areas, schools, hospitals, and public utility structures, decimating entire communities. These ordeals are no less than war crimes by definition per the Fourth Geneva Convention. It is gravely disheartening that our hard-earned money becomes an active participant in this grisly saga, making us complicit in the unforgettable anguish it wreaks upon innocents. So, I implore you - let us call for an immediate ceasefire. A cessation that goes beyond the mere silencing of guns but stops this inhumane vicious cycle of violence at its root. Let us cry out for divestment, for stopping the influx of arms, for stalling the funds that keep this charnel house running. This is our moral responsibility, our ethical obligation, for we breathe the same air, we bleed the same blood, we nurture the same dreams, and we are the people of the same planet. Let's affirm that every life matters, every child deserves a future, that peace is our shared destiny, and we won't allow our contributions to belittle the sanctity of life.
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