Can I send it to more than one?
  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Can I send it to more than one?

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Vargas, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in San Diego, CA

May 16

Students across the country are bravely speaking out and demanding change, urging university administrators to divest from companies complicit in human rights abuses and stop suppressing activism on campuses. Their persistence in the face of opposition is inspiring and a powerful force for justice. It is imperative that universities heed these calls from the very students they aim to educate. By divesting from unethical corporations and allowing freedom of expression, academia can uphold its principles of critical thinking and moral integrity. Administrators must prioritize human rights over financial interests and foster an environment where voices for positive change are amplified, not silenced. Let this be a watershed moment where the moral arc bends toward progress thanks to the conviction of today's student leaders.

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