Support Comprehensive Gambling Legislation for Education Funding
  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter

Support Comprehensive Gambling Legislation for Education Funding

To: Sen. Givhan, Rep. Whorton

From: A constituent in Owens Cross Roads, AL

April 11

The House's comprehensive gambling legislation, which includes up to 10 casinos and legalizes sports betting, is a promising opportunity for Alabama. It is projected to generate significant revenue, estimated between $635 million to $912 million, a substantial portion of which is dedicated to education. This commitment to education is crucial for the future of our state. It is urged that you support this version of the bill, and work towards reconciling differences with the Senate's plan. The people of Alabama deserve the chance to vote on this impactful legislation. The potential benefits, particularly for education, are too significant to overlook.

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