Urgent call for ceasefire, peace through justice and human rights
  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Urgent call for ceasefire, peace through justice and human rights

To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Roy

From: A constituent in Austin, TX

May 11

The images from Rafah are profoundly disturbing, depicting immense civilian suffering. I cannot stand by as atrocities unfold with U.S. complicity. Halting military aid that enables these actions is imperative. I urge an immediate ceasefire and impartial investigation into potential violations of international law. Continuing down this path undermines American credibility and betrays our principles. Peace through justice and human rights must be the priority moving forward. Indiscriminate violence only breeds more cycles of trauma and conflict. I implore you to use your influence to bring all parties to the negotiating table and seek a just resolution that upholds the dignity of all people.

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