- United States
- Texas
- Letter
You are destroying America, stripping away its freedoms while blaming the Democrats for your own cowardice. The Republican Party I once believed in—the party of limited government, personal liberty, and moral leadership—no longer exists. It has been hijacked by a man who has done nothing but divide this country, erode its values, and weaponize faith and patriotism for personal gain.
You have not stood for the Constitution. You have not defended our freedoms. Instead, you have cowered before a man who has turned the party into a cult of personality, demanding loyalty over principle. You have taken basic rights away from Americans, forcing women and children to give birth while elevating rapists and donors to positions of power—people who know nothing about the departments they now run. And yet, you have the audacity to call any qualified hire who isn’t a white male a “DEI hire.” The hypocrisy is staggering.
You have stolen our flag, our Christianity, and our country. You wrap yourselves in patriotism while selling America to the highest bidder. You claim to be pro-life while making it harder for families to put food on the table. You have stripped protections from the vulnerable, promoted policies that enrich the powerful, and turned your backs on everything true conservatism once stood for.
Now, as another government shutdown looms, you want to blame the Democrats. But this is your failure. You are the ones who have sold out, the ones who have abandoned conservative values for authoritarianism, the ones who have made us a global embarrassment.
I hope the government does shut down. Maybe then, the people who are still blindly following you will finally wake up to the destruction you have caused. As a Christian, as a conservative, as an American, I am ashamed of what this party has become.
History will remember your choices.