  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Sanction Israel for intimidating ICC over Palestine probe

To: Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. McCollum, Sen. Smith, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Saint Paul, MN

May 28

The revelations about the covert campaign by Israeli intelligence agencies, including the Mossad and its former director Yossi Cohen, to intimidate and threaten the former ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda are deeply concerning. Attempts to improperly influence ICC officials and obstruct investigations into alleged war crimes are unacceptable and could constitute offenses against the administration of justice under the Rome Statute. Cohen is alleged to have repeatedly pressured Bensouda not to pursue the investigation into the situation in Palestine, resorting to threats about compromising her security and that of her family members. The Mossad even obtained and circulated transcripts from a covert recording operation targeting Bensouda's husband in an apparent smear campaign. Such intimidation tactics cross a clear line and impede the ICC's ability to uphold international law impartially. In light of these grave actions, I request that sanctions be imposed on Israel and any officials involved in this unlawful campaign against the ICC prosecutor. Stern measures must be taken to ensure the integrity of the Court's work and deter future attempts to undermine its mandate through threats and intimidation. The rule of law and ability to investigate alleged war crimes committed by any party must be protected.

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