- United States
- Fla.
- Letter
The House is considering bill H.R. 9495 that would grant the executive branch expansive authority to dismantle nonprofit organizations deemed to provide "material support" to terrorist groups. However, this vague definition could be abused to target civil society groups based on their political advocacy under the guise of national security. The United States has a troubling history of discriminatory material support prosecutions against Muslims, charities, and dissenters in the years following 9/11. Allowing an unchecked executive to wield such power threatens constitutional freedoms and due process. This bill will enable the suppression of dissent rather than enhancing public safety. I urge you to protect civil liberties and democratic norms by voting against H.R. 9495. Empowering the president to unilaterally dissolve organizations based on their speech and associations is antithetical to American values. Reject this dangerous overreach that could severely chill free expression and assembly rights.