  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28

When children's lives are destroyed in the blink of an eye, and everyday life is overshadowed by constant distress, we must come to the forefront to voice our protest. Our silence equates to compliance, and remaining silent is no longer a choice. The U.S. is known as a beacon of democracy and peace, yet, by funding Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians, we are directly contributing to the perpetuation of violence and suffering. It isn't just a political stance; it's a matter of human compassion, of simply standing up when one sees injustice against ordinary people like you and me, who are being trapped in the horrors of violence. The U.S. supporting a government that sanctions disproportionate aggression against a civilian populace, many living in fear in their own homes, is entirely unacceptable. Our financial and military aid is fueling an ongoing conflict, resulting in countless civilian casualties. We need to understand that our resources could be better spent fostering peace and resolving conflicts, not contributing to it. U.S. taxpayer funds should not be utilized to fund atrocities or perpetuate war. Instead, we must concentrate on providing assistance to those that require it, promote peace, and ensure that fundamental human rights are recognized and protected. It's high time to demand an immediate cessation of all hostilities and promote a ceasefire that saves lives. This situation calls for empathy and diplomacy, lobbying for justice, and the prevention of further harm. The persistent blatant disregard for human lives is an intolerable crime against humanity. We cannot and must not let any state, no matter how powerful, deprive any person of their right to live a life free from fear and violence. We must be united in our plea for peace, a halt to the brutality, and an end to the unjust oppression of innocent lives. To hold our humanity sacred, we must resist any form of violence inflicted on humans, anywhere and anytime.

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