  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

September 24

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Call me over-reactive, hysterical, alarmist, or whatever gender-biased descriptor you’d like to apply to negate my concern, but I’m just one example of what women are feeling and reacting to with the recent remarks by your presidential candidate. DJT wants to be our protector. “I am your protector, I want to be your protector. As president I have to be your protector,” Trump declared at a rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania, speaking to women voters on Monday. “I hope you don’t make too much of it,” he added, after perhaps hearing how strange he sounded. Kamala Harris leads women voters by a net 21 percentage points. Still, Trump pushed back against claims from the “fake news media” that he has an issue getting half of the population to like him. “I always thought women liked me, I never thought I had a problem,” Trump said, as he promised to assure women they would “no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared” and urged them not to worry about abortion rights. Yes, he always thought women liked him. Even when it was obvious they did not. Remember all the women who have come forward with instances of unwanted sexual advances? He continues to deny each and every one, I expect because he just can’t accept they did not like him. The classic NO really meant YES scenario. Remember the $$$$$ still owed to E. Jean Carroll when she called him out on his behavior in court? And a jury of his peers agreed with her? He does not understand the real world. Or the women who live in it. We’re just another commodity to be exploited. Like Trump Steaks. So, I and many others will continue to ram the idea home that DJT has put American women in danger, in more ways than one. And his current promises are belied by his past actions with women, and to women. He is correct on one point though…in November we will definitely be voting for protection…from him. As one X user so succinctly put it, “At what point do we need to out a restraining order on this creep?” It’s coming sister. It’s called your vote.

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