Stop genocide in Gaza now
  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

Stop genocide in Gaza now

To: Sen. Cortez Masto, Rep. Amodei, Sen. Rosen

From: A constituent in Carson City, NV

May 8

I am continually horrified at the unabated genocidal actions of the Israeli government on the people of Gaza. I am furious at the dismissal of students passionately protesting these actions, particularly when their protests are painted with a broad brush of violent and antisemitic. I’m disgusted that politicians who are supposed to represent the people echo the words of the Israeli government rather than listen to students and speak out against the horrors happening to the Palestinians in Gaza. Speaking out against the actions of the IDF and Netanyahu’s administration is NOT antisemitism and US money should not be funding the death of children and aide workers. I’m ashamed of my congressional representatives for not using their voices for justice. Speak out.

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