  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

Balanced approach to secure elections, protect voting rights

To: Rep. Hoyle, Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley

From: A verified voter in Dexter, OR

November 11, 2024

The integrity of free and fair elections is vital to a functioning democracy. Requiring voter identification is one policy that some states have implemented in an effort to prevent voter fraud and safeguard the electoral process. However, there are also concerns that strict voter ID laws could disenfranchise certain groups of eligible voters who face challenges obtaining valid identification. Moving forward, we must find a balanced approach that ensures secure elections while protecting the fundamental right to vote for all citizens. Reasonable voter ID requirements coupled with robust efforts to provide free identification to any eligible voter could help address concerns around fraud as well as access. Additionally, improving voting infrastructure, poll worker training, and auditing procedures could help build confidence in electoral outcomes across the political spectrum. Ultimately, timely and accurate counting of all valid votes cast is paramount, even if that process takes longer in some jurisdictions. What's most important is that every eligible citizen has an equal opportunity to make their voice heard at the ballot box. Continued cooperation, good faith efforts, and a commitment to following established laws and procedures by all parties involved will be crucial to maintaining faith in our electoral system.

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