  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28, 2024

In darkest sincerity, we find ourselves compelled to voice our collective torment over the desperate cries for peace echoing from the tumultuous battlegrounds of the Middle East. Everyone, from villagers to kings, bowed heads to open palms, seeks an end to the calamitous cycle of violence that threatens to consume the cradle of civilization. Surely, if there is any human virtue in our hands, it must be the power to alleviate suffering, to say "no more." It harbors no secret that the U.S., a beacon of hope and liberty for many, funds and inadvertently fuels the inexorable machinery of war. Notably, the U.S.'s financial and military support towards Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians not only violates the principles of human dignity but also sows seeds of mistrust amongst onlooking nations. The anguish of innocent civilians, their homes reduced to rubble, their lives marked by incessant dread, is undeniably a blemish on the face of humanity. It isn't merely a question of national politics or strategic alliances, but rather an elemental plea for human compassion. Actions scream louder than words and now is the era for those actions. Now is the moment to advocate for peace, champion mercy, and stand against oppression. Amidst the bleak despair, we implore for an immediate ceasefire, fostering a political space where dialogue can flourish, contrarily to the deafening thunder of bombs. The world watches, waits, and prays for the cessation of suffering. The prohibition of crimes against humanity should never be a matter of debate, it should be a matter of principle, etched into the bedrock of every democratic society – an immutable truth. The sending of arms to continue these actions brazenly violates this principle. Stand tall, protect the sanctity of life, end the atrocities now.

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