  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Stop military arming of Israel

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Smith

From: A verified voter in Mercer Island, WA

May 31

I am writing to demand immediate action against Israel for its genocidal violence towards Palestinians. The United States must impose an arms embargo and end all military funding to Israel. The Israeli government’s actions are blatant violations of international law and human decency, resulting in the suffering and deaths of countless Palestinians. It is time for Congress to take a stand on the just side of history. As a citizen who has voted for you in every election, I ask that you Introduce and support legislation that: 1. Imposes an immediate arms embargo on Israel. 2. Ends all military funding and aid to Israel until violence ceases and peace is achieved. 3. Condemns Israel’s actions and holds it accountable for its atrocities. The U.S. must not be complicit in these crimes any longer. Please act now to stop the violence.

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