- United States
- Tenn.
- Letter
cutors must have discretion to explore new ways of serving the public. I am writing in opposition to any effort to remove Shelby County DA and constitutional scholar Steven Mulroy as the duly elected district attorney. Prose State Senator Taylor in Eads thinks DA Mulroy should be removed, not for misconduct, but for stating that his office might look into a program. Shelby Co unty elected our DA and we do not need the state to remove him because of sore losers. he office with great talent. DA Mulroy has already made many improvements over the previous administration, helped stop judges releasing dangerous people without bond, and staffing t Local rule is fundamental in the Volunteer State even in a blue county and next time it might be the official you worked to elect who they decide to take away for political points. Memphis needs a DA concerned with the Constitution after the Weirich administration flouted all professionalism and ethics and made us a national laughingstock. Small government means not running Memphis from Nashville. Get to governing and leave these stunts at home. I support local government: leave Mr. Mulroy to do his job and let voters decide how he's doing.