- United States
- Letter
Enact Protections Against Data Collection and Storage
To: V.P. Harris
From: A constituent in Marble Falls, TX
August 20, 2024
Madam Vice President, it’s very important to me that we establish laws against data collection and storage. All companies are doing this these days and I find it intrusive and risky considering hacking is so common and our personal data is often posted to places on the internet.
I hope your administration will establish laws to protect citizens against the intrusive behavior of monster companies such as Google and Facebook and also smaller companies such as local grocery stores.
Another concern is the dynamic pricing some companies are considering wherein they will use our data against us to increase prices in real time.
Lastly, insurance companies are purchasing data from car manufacturers about our speed, stopping distance, and acceleration speed. This is concerning because my car often doesn’t even read the posted speed limits correctly and would believe I am speeding when I am not. So in addition to the data being collected without my consent, it is also flawed data that doesn’t accurately represent my driving habits, yet it is used to determine the amount I pay for car insurance.
All the data collection is such an insulting intrusion upon our privacy as citizens. I do not feel like anyone with any sort of power is doing anything to protect us and I hope that will change with your administration. Please help us.