  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

September 25

The Commonwealth fund just released their review of healthcare in 10 industrialized nations and we are dead last. While we have become more standardized on what preventive care is we have tens of millions with out access to healthcare. We have medical bankruptcies, we pay twice as much as other countries and don’t get what they get; access to a doctor and longer life expectancy. We need universal healthcare and you know it. We pay $400 billion too much every year in overhead costs (per the CBO). Insurance companies delay, deny, and slow roll payments. Medical networks that get capitation payments (Medicare Advantage, Medicare Accountable Care Organizations, Managed Care groups, and Insurance networks) keep what they don’t spend on care and we get less care. I want you to pass universal healthcare and stop setting up your constituents to be cheated by insurance companies and medical networks. Enough. Get HR 3421 the vastly improved Medicare for All Act to a vote. PS Here is a link to the Commonwealth Fund Report for you, Thank you

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