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  3. Letter

Protect fair pay and benefits for productive federal remote workers.

To: Rep. Ezell, Sen. Wicker, Sen. Hyde-Smith

From: A verified voter in Diamondhead, MS

September 5, 2024

The Senate bills aimed at reducing pay and benefits for federal employees who work remotely are misguided and counterproductive. These proposals fail to recognize the significant contributions and productivity of remote workers, as evidenced by higher engagement levels and improved work quality reported by federal agencies. Penalizing teleworkers by denying them locality pay and excluding it from retirement calculations would unfairly target a dedicated segment of the workforce solely based on their work location. This approach is likely to deter talented professionals from pursuing or remaining in federal service, ultimately undermining the government's ability to serve the public effectively. Rather than focusing on outdated notions of office occupancy, lawmakers should prioritize measures that foster a skilled, motivated, and fairly compensated federal workforce capable of delivering quality services to taxpayers. The bipartisan Telework Reform Act offers a more balanced approach by codifying flexible work arrangements while ensuring accountability through regular reviews and assessments. Stripping remote workers of hard-earned compensation and benefits is an ill-advised step that will harm government efficiency and public service delivery in the long run.

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