  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

September 30

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today I write specifically to my Texas Representative, August Pfluger. With a simple question. Why did you vote to shut down the government? If you had had your way the federal government would be shuttering its doors tomorrow. It’s bad enough that the can got kicked down the road until December, but enough sanity reigned at least to keep the government operating. For now. No thanks to you. We the people are sick and tired of the disfunction. Disfunction brought about by the GOP. There seems to be no real desire to govern. To move the country forward. To work for the good of America. Couch it as you will, excuse it how you will, use disingenuous language to bob and weave and deflect and cast blame elsewhere, but what this constituent sees is my Rep doing the bidding of a desperate presidential candidate when he demands you to shut down the government because of a ridiculous ploy to add a nonsensical amendment on non-citizen voting to a must-pass bill. There is no other reason to be seen to cast a vote as you did. There was no reasonable nuance to your vote. It was just chaos as usual. Obeisance as usual. Politics over country as usual. We’re fed up with you guys.

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