- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28
Every passing second sees the escalating horrors of warfare - the loss of innocent lives, the merciless takedown of homes, the deafening cries of children, and the desperate pleas of mothers. This is not a spectacle from medieval times; this is the stark reality of today's Palestine. With each U.S dollar and ICT-equipped weapon sent to Israel for the continued persecution of Palestinian civilians, the ideals of democracy and humanity, the values upon which America stands, are under prolonged desecration.
The anguish and despair felt by those who have not just been stripped of their rights but their families, their homes and, their future are beyond comprehension. Yet the questions remain: How can we stand idly by while humanity is doused in the ruthless inferno of warfare? How much longer will we fuel this sheer manifestation of human destruction? How far have we strayed from the sanctity of life, the root of our shared humanity, to let innocent children fall in the line of fire and sow seeds of hate in the hearts of survivors?
We demand an immediate ceasefire. Not tomorrow, not after another round of diplomatic dances. Now. For the love of humanity, we call for the cessation of the U.S’s funding of these actions against Palestinian civilians and the sending of arms fueling such destruction. We plead for the abolition of these crimes against humanity. It is high time we transform our words of peace into actions of peace, our promises of justice into measures of justice. Nothing less will preserve our shared human dignity, nothing less will keep the flame of our shared humanity alight.