  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

August 22

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gosh, hope and optimism and yes, joy, are exhausting. But it’s a different exhaustion than what we’ve been subjected to the past 10 years or so. Admit it. Isn’t it better to hear positive stuff about your country? And its citizens? And to hear language that strives to lift us up? And not tear us down and put us at each other’s throats? To hear eloquence in support of the ideals of America? And the concerted desire to work towards achieving a more perfect Union? Together. That exhaustion beats the other kind any day. The other kind is mired in grievance. I was raised to not whine. I was told if something bothers you, do something about it. Constant complaining by someone who wants to lead the greatest country in the world is confusing to me. Complaining is the opposite of leading. It is self-indulgent and counter-productive. And weak. Being aggrieved has one constant. The aggrieved will never ever be happy. Their passions are easily inflamed in service of the dark side of human nature. It is their comfort zone. And any attempt to persuade them towards the light makes them lash out, become fearful, fall back on divisive and hateful language. Fear is not our friend. Americans will choose hope in the future come November. We will do this because we are basically a hopeful species. Hope gets us up in the mornings. Not hate. Hope is limitless. Hate limits horizons. Hope is accepting. Hate is the opposite. Hope will triumph. Because it feels way better. And it actually makes us better. But in parting I have to share one of the many new classics from the DNC convention. Why do I share? Because the emperor is finally being exposed in all his nakedness. And it’s about time. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY): “Donald Trump is like an old boyfriend who you broke up with, but he just won’t go away. He has spent the last four years spinning the block, trying to get back into a relationship with the American people. Bro, we broke up with you for a reason.” Ha. Feels good to laugh doesn’t it?

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