  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Publish ratified Equal Rights Amendment to uphold women's equality

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

November 25, 2024

Please help convince President Biden that he must immediately publish the ratified Equal Rights amendment and enshrine it in the Constitution as an amendment. This is a very important part of the Biden Harris legacy and what the Democrats can do for women as we move into uncertain times. The President must act swiftly to officially publish the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution, as it has been fully ratified by the required number of states since 2020. Publication is the final step to enshrine gender equality explicitly in our nation's founding document and provide a critical legal framework for protecting women's rights that cannot be easily rolled back. The lack of constitutional protection for sex equality has allowed egregious discrimination and the erosion of hard-won progress. With the recent election results casting doubt on the preservation of reproductive freedoms and other essential liberties, publishing the ERA is an urgent imperative. It will establish a robust legal basis for proactively safeguarding fundamental rights and accelerating long-overdue parity. The President has the power to instruct the Archivist to certify and publish this transformative amendment – equality enshrined in the Constitution after a century-long struggle. I implore the President to seize this historic opportunity before time runs out and uphold the will of the American people for an equitable society free from gender-based injustice.

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