  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter

Reconsider "Porn ID Law" - Protect Privacy and Free Speech

To: Rep. Strong

From: A verified voter in Huntsville, AL

September 28

The recently enacted "Porn ID Law" in Alabama raises significant concerns regarding privacy, individual rights, and potential unintended consequences. While the intent may be to protect minors from accessing explicit content, the legislation fails to address critical issues surrounding data security and the risk of identity theft or misuse of sensitive personal information. Moreover, the law's broad reach and stringent requirements could infringe upon constitutionally protected freedoms of expression and access to information for consenting adults. Imposing a surveillance system and taxing adult content distributors sets a concerning precedent for government overreach into private matters. This law not only jeopardizes consumer privacy but also threatens to stifle free speech and artistic expression in digital spaces. A balanced approach that safeguards both youth protection and civil liberties is needed. I urge you to reconsider this legislation and work towards a more comprehensive solution that adequately addresses privacy concerns, prevents data breaches, and upholds fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Protecting our communities should not come at the cost of eroding individual freedoms and online privacy.

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