- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Cheboygan, MI
August 21, 2024
I am writing to Vice President Kamala Harris to urge the administration to enact an immediate embargo on weapons sales to the State of Israel. Continuing to trade weapons to the State of Israel is to allow State sanctioned genocide on an innocent and captive population of civilians. It is also a violation of international law according to the ICJ ruling. Every single day I see more and more stories of displaced and injured Palestinian families desperate to flee their homeland to escape the violence. Children are starving to death. Children are being blown to pieces by U.S. manufactured missiles. Israel says every target they bomb is secretly a Hamas base. They can provide no evidence these Hamas bases ever existed. Vice President Kamala Harris, you have made platitudes about ceasefires while also stating Israel has a right to "defend itself". I ask you, why does Israel need to defend itself against Palestinian children huddled in refugee camps? Israel has a track record of killing their own Israeli civilian hostages while bombing Palestinians. This is not about a nation defending itself, this is ethnic cleansing. I will not vote for a candidate who aids and abets a genocide. If you truly care about the lives of innocent civilians in occupied Gaza - and if you want my vote in November, take action against Israel's campaign of genocide. No more weapons sales, immediate and permanent ceasefire. The world's eyes are on Palestine. And so their eyes are also on us, the U.S., who are aiding Israel in their destruction of Palestinian life. How do you want history to remember you, Kamala Harris?