  1. United States
  2. Letter

Step aside for the sake of democracy

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Charlotte, MI

July 7

As a supporter, it's clear that it's time for you to step aside. You should resign the presidency, withdraw from the race, and give your full-throated support to Kamala Harris. Your response to George Stephanopoulos' question about how you'd feel in January if Trump won was shocking. Shocking that you could lose this election to Donald Trump and walk away saying, "Aw, shucks. Oh well, I tried my best." If convicted felon Donald Trump beats you in the election, it will have been your fault. It would mean that your best wasn't good enough, and now the rest of us will suffer for it. You can even step aside without giving age or political pressure as a reason. Your son is about to go to prison! I can't imagine you would prefer the White House to being fully available to support your son and grandchildren. Centering the decision around your family would be entirely plausible. Your presidency so far has been one to be proud of. You've had the most progressive administration since FDR and you've gotten major legislative wins despite having a razor-thin majority in Congress. But none of that will matter if Donald Trump wins in November. All of your administration's victories will be undone and forgotten. You'll be known to history as the guy who briefly kept the seat warm for President-for-Life Trump. Please do the right thing for our country, your family, and your legacy: step aside. Stubbornly remaining in the race despite clearly credible concerns and an obvious alternative in Harris is just putting your pride above our country.

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