  1. United States
  2. Ind.
  3. Letter

No to the HOUSE Act - keep energy effiencies moving forward

To: Sen. Braun, Sen. Young

From: A constituent in Indianapolis, IN

August 22

I recently reviewed your proposed HOUSE Act that seeks to make new housing more affordable by repealing the energy efficiency standards they would be held to. I am opposed to your suggestion. You called these energy standards “unnecessary.” I’m not sure on what grounds you can say that. Every ounce of carbon we can prevent from entering the atmosphere and warming the earth is vitally important at this time. I do not work in construction, but I would hope that the energy efficiency standards in new housing could in fact play nicely with the needs of the market, possibly leading to simpler and smaller homes. This would allow for more density, and potentially help with other things like keeping Americans out of debt. The really is no future without putting pressure on all industries to operate more sustainably. Pressure is uncomfortable, but it will push us into a direction that means long-term survival. I’m not willing to sacrifice the next generation’s quality of life over short-term financial gains. I believe in the American grit that saw us victoriously through WWII. We knew then how to face existential threats through brave sacrifice. The same is needed from us now. We are already lagging behind other nations in terms of environmental standards, which I find embarrassing and stressful.

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