  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Abbott

From: A constituent in Houston, TX

September 28

Robert Roberson, an innocent father with autism, faces imminent execution on October 17th in Texas for the tragic death of his chronically ill daughter Nikki. However, the overwhelming medical and scientific evidence shows Nikki died from accidental and natural causes, not criminal acts by her devoted father. Mr. Roberson was wrongfully convicted using the now-discredited "shaken baby syndrome" hypothesis, despite having no history of violence or abuse. His case has drawn support from doctors, scientists, faith leaders, authors, former judges, and even the original detective - all calling for a new trial in light of the crumbling scientific basis for his conviction. An innocent life hangs in the balance. We urge intervention to stop this unconscionable execution and allow a full review of the evidence proving Mr. Roberson's innocence. Justice and human dignity demand no less.

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