"Advocate for Data Privacy and Digital Literacy Education on TikTok"
  1. United States
  2. Neb.
  3. Letter

"Advocate for Data Privacy and Digital Literacy Education on TikTok"

To: Rep. Flood, Sen. Ricketts, Sen. Fischer

From: A constituent in Lincoln, NE

April 18

The proposed measures concerning TikTok and the aid bills should be reconsidered. TikTok is a vital platform for creative expression and communication, especially among younger demographics. An outright ban may not be the most effective solution. Instead, strengthening data privacy laws and promoting digital literacy could better address potential security concerns while preserving user rights. Additionally, the practice of bundling multiple issues into a single bill can obscure the legislative process and undermine democratic accountability. Therefore, it is requested to only support legislation that focuses on a single issue. This approach would enhance transparency and allow for more focused debate on each matter.

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