  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

President Biden should not be behind the wheel TODAY or for another 4 years

To: Sen. Romney, Pres. Biden, Sen. Lee, Rep. Moore

From: A constituent in Clearfield, UT

July 11

Open Letter to President Biden: President Biden, I believe that you've done the “goodest” job that you could as President, and at this point it's really not about if you can beat Trump. It's about IF you can do the job now and then for another 4 more years. My (now 96) grandpa behaved a lot like you are when it was clear to everyone that he shouldn't be driving. Anger, denial - a lot like the way I've seen you behave in the days since the debate. My grandpa kept driving - until he nearly killed a person in a car accident. That accident opened his eyes to the fact that he wasn't physically capable of safe driving any longer. He never drove after that accident and willingly didn't renew his drivers license. I believe that people are worried about what an accident looks like for the president of our country. I and they are worried about the damage that can be done while we have someone who we can see probably shouldn't be driving behind the wheel. Your refusal to allow medical experts to evaluate you just seemed like denial. The same denial that I have witnessed in Elderly Men in my life. You may not want to know because the truth might not be what you want. Joe, either allow a panel of experts to evaluate your mental capacity or surrender your license. As for me, I don't want Trump behind the wheel, and I'm not confident you should be either. I won’t be voting for you in November unless multiple medical experts can explain and confirm that your cognitive ability is not impaired. I won’t be voting for Trump either. Should there be another Moderate candidate be nominated by the democrats, they will receive my consideration. If the election were today, I am leaning toward voting for RFK. Regards, Andrew Cordes Democrat in Utah

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