  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Tualatin, OR

August 27, 2024

The United States must stop supplying Israel with weapons. The Israeli government is indiscriminately murdering civilians, bombing schools and hospitals, The United States must stop supplying Israel with weapons. The Israeli government is indiscriminately murdering civilians, bombing schools and hospitals, and allowing the Palestinians to starve. They are not eradicating Hamas, they are adding fuel to the fire of hatred and terrorism. The USA is complicent as long as we continue to support the violence being committed by Netanyahu and his cronies. I do not want my tax dollars spent on weapons for Israel. Vice and allowing the Palestinians to starve. They are not eradicating Hamas, they are adding fuel to the fire of hatred and terrorism. The USA is complicent as long as we continue to support the violence being committed by Netanyahu and his cronies. I do not want my tax dollars spent on weapons for Israel. The United States must stop supplying Israel with weapons. The Israeli government is indiscriminately murdering civilians, bombing schools and hospitals,

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