  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

October 5

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I don’t think you realize how disconcerting it is to see one of the two major political parties of America do everything they can to tear down the country they are so dead set on running. In my lifetime, which is not a short one, I have never seen such destructive methods used in our democratic process. Your party, led by the most unfit candidate for president in our history, is trying to destroy America’s faith in itself. That such a malignant and unstable force is in this position of power is unbelievable. Y’all had the chance to stop it all. But made the deliberate political choice not to. And look where we are. Now we’ve just experienced a major calamitous event that has destroyed lives of countless numbers of Americans. But instead of coming together to work for the country, your party has decided to follow the forces of discord, destruction, and malevolence that your presidential candidate and his wretched minions have decided is the path to victory. There is absolutely no victory or progress that America achieves that DJT won’t attempt to tear down. We read that the intent is to muddy the waters so effectively with lies that voters just throw up their hands and stay home, unable to figure out what is true, and what is not. But trust me. The people who stay home in confusion will not be the majority of American voters. Because the majority of us see, and are disgusted by, the methods being used to hurt the country in the pursuit of power. We see. We understand. It will not work. We will absolutely not stay home. And we do not believe the divisive and dangerous lies told by some people who we thought were elected to protect us. And to serve the country. You’re going to discover the hard way that tearing things down is way harder than building them back up. Look at your party and tell me that’s not true. You should all be ashamed of the parts you each played in bringing us here.

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