  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote no on HR 6090 - it is unamerican, unjust, and illogical

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in San Francisco, CA

May 4

HR 6090, which, alarmingly, has already been passed in the House, equates criticism of Israel with antisemitism. This is illogical. Criticism of Israel isn't antisemitic any more than criticism of Iran is hate speech against adherents to Islam, or criticism of China is a condemnation of Confucionism. In other words, when people criticize Israel, what they are criticizing is the country of Israel, not Jewish people. If HR 6090 were to pass, American's freedom of speech would be truncated and disfigured, and for whose benefit? A foreign nation state that stands accused of genocide before the ICJ. Passing this bill would put both you and America even more on the wrong side of history. Please vote against HR 6090.

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