  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Support Bill to Secure Nationwide Contraceptive Access

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A constituent in Bellevue, WA

June 5

The Senate is considering a critical bill to protect access to contraception nationwide. This legislation would enshrine the right for individuals to obtain and utilize various forms of contraception, including birth control pills, Plan B, condoms, and other methods. It would also ensure that healthcare providers can freely provide these services. Protecting contraceptive access is vital for reproductive freedom and autonomy. Guaranteeing this right through federal law would safeguard against attempts to restrict access in certain states or areas. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, there are legitimate concerns about the potential erosion of reproductive rights beyond abortion access. Codifying contraceptive access would provide an essential layer of protection for this fundamental aspect of healthcare. I urge you to support this bill as a means of preserving reproductive choice and bodily autonomy for all. Thank you to Senators Murray and Cantwell for their continued support of women and their right to contraception.

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