An open letter to Gov. Hobbs, Rep. Gutierrez, Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Hobbs, Rep. Gutierrez, Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

May 10

SB1125 imposes overly burdensome age verification requirements on entities publishing online content deemed "harmful to minors," threatening free expression on the internet. The bill grants internet service providers authority to comply with blacklisting user IP addresses, infringing on online privacy rights. Violations carry severe penalties like damages and injunctive relief, creating a chilling effect on content creators and providers. This poses an immediate threat to online freedom and privacy in Arizona that demands urgent action to protect these fundamental rights. The overreaching measures of SB1125 extend far beyond reasonable efforts to protect minors online and represent an unacceptable infringement on civil liberties in the digital age. I urge you to reject this misguided legislation that sacrifices core democratic values.

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