- United States
- Texas
- Letter
Texas' proposed school voucher bills, HB 3 and SB 2, appear well-intentioned in prioritizing low-income families and students with disabilities. However, their broad eligibility criteria raise concerns about whether the neediest students will truly benefit. By allowing virtually any family to qualify, including those already paying private school tuition, the programs risk diverting public funds away from supporting quality public education accessible to all children. While providing families more educational options is laudable, vouchers should not come at the expense of weakening the public school system that serves the vast majority of Texas students. Private schools participating in a voucher program would face no requirements to accept certain students, ensure diversity, or administer state assessments, limiting accountability and access. Rather than pursuing costly voucher schemes that could exacerbate inequities, Texas should prioritize fully and equitably funding its public schools. All students, regardless of background, deserve a quality education through a strong public system designed to serve the needs of every child in our communities. Vote no on HB 3 and SB 2.